Online Social Game Platform
Upcoming project
A multiplayer social gaming platform to be named, utilizing AWS
WebSocket API, Lambda, and DynamoDB.
- Creating and joining sessions without requiring a login.
- Public and private games listed in a lobby.
- Importable games featuring various rules and custom cards.
Games that include questions, allow participants to type in their
answers, and involve voting.
A 3D multi-user visual brainstorming application will be accessible
from the lobby.
- And more.
Thought organizational tool
Long term project - on hold
Featuring hierarchical thought externalization, beneficial for
memory and attention issues.
Multiple types of views for brainstorming, contemplation, and
Dynamic views can be composed of different sub-trees to any depth.
The main goal is to have dynamic documentation, using small pieces
of information, notes organized in a hierarchical structure, and
various methods of combining and filtering notes to present
different views.
Another main high-priority goal is to go from thought to note in
this system as fast as possible. The future plan for this is
voice-to-text using a smartwatch or using the site on a mobile
device for voice-to-text, which currently needs a bit of work.
The hybrid of a content management system and a mind map tool for
large amounts of related bits of small content, like a book or
project idea.
This is a client-heavy TypeScript and React app that uses local
memory and AWS for authentication, DynamoDB, and an AWS
Amplify-generated GraphQL API.
Card Game Demos in Angular
Past projects
Multiple animation heavy card game demos using the Mean stack
(MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.js) feature multiple methods of
- These apps were previously hosted on Heroku